


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with entrepreneurs at Summer Davos 2013. During the meeting, Premier Li answered a question from Alcoa Chairman and CEO Klaus Kleinfeld about the employment market. Mr. Klaus Kleinfeld asked: “There seems to be a problem in China’s labor market: while most graduate students couldn’t find themselves a good job, a number of companies are complaining the lack of qualified employees available in the market. What’s your opinion on such a situation and what would your government to about it?” Li said that one should start from the lower level to get his/her ideal job and position. He emphasized that China will always implement active employment policies. He said that the goal of Chinese government is to guarantee and improve people’s life, and the most important part of people’s life is employment.


美国铝业公司(Alcoa)简称美铝,是继力拓集团(Rio Tinto Group)及俄罗斯铝业集团(RUSAL)世界第三大铝材生产商。现在在美国纽约证券交易所上市。美国铝业公司的总部位于宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡,监察著遍布44个国家的业务。紧随其后的是曾为它子公司-加拿大铝业集团(Alcan)。根据销售成绩,加拿大铝业集团超越了美国铝业公司。




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