
在英国,早在18世纪,著名的翻译家泰特勒(Alexander F. Tytler)也提出了一个翻译的三原则:A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. (译文应完整地复述出原作的思想);The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original. (译文的风格和手法应与原作的性质一致);A translation should have all the ease of the original composition. (译文应和原作一样流畅)。
除了严复,鲁迅提出了“信”与“顺”,指出凡是翻译必须兼顾两面,“一当然力求其易解, 二则保存着原作的丰姿。”而在论述二者之间的关系时,鲁迅提倡“宁信而不顺”。林语堂在1933年的《论翻译》一文中提出了三条标准:忠实标准、通顺标准、美的标准。这三条标准分别体现了译者对原著者的责任、译者对中国读者的责任以及译者对艺术的责任。傅雷提出了“传神说”,他在1951年《高老头——重译本序》中提到:“以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似。”钱钟书则强调“化境”,认为文学翻译的最高理想是“化”。把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原作的风味,即入于“化境”。

Upon first presentation the buyer shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the seller at sight. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only.
In the event the Buyer does not furnish the seller with shipping instructions on or before August 17, 2007, the Seller may at his option cancel this contract and demand the Buyer to pay any damages he has sustained on account of such failure of the Buyer to give such instructions.
If any change is required regarding the terms and conditions of this Agreement, then both parties shall negotiate in order to find a suitable solution, change of this Agreement shall be subject to the approval by the Canadian Government.
“Provisional Sum” means a sum included in the Contract and so designated in the Bill of Qualities for the execution of work or the supply of goods, materials, or services, or for contingencies, which sum may be used, in whole or in part, or not at all, at the direction and discretion of the Engineer.
The Contractor shall, subject to the provisions of the Contract, and with due care and diligence, execute and maintain the Works and provide all labor, including the supervision thereof, materials, constructional plant and all other things, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, required in and for such execution and maintenance.
No salary shall be paid and charged against the operating expenses, provided that the commission or brokerage of the Second Party shall be paid and charged as a part of operating expenses.
If the technical documentation supplied by party B is not in conformity with Clause 9.1 of the contract, Party B shall be paid and charged as a part of the operating expenses.
The Seller, provide that Buyer so agrees, may retain the whole or part of the said incomplete equipment, fabricated or unfabricated parts, work-in-process, and other material referred to in paragraph (D) of this Article in which the amount to be paid by the Buyer shall be reduced by a sum equal to the value of the property so retained.
Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract, the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the Seller by opening an irrevocable L/C for the full amount of USD30, 000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at export point so that the seller may draw the sum in due time.
Should the Seller fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the Contract with the exception of force majeure specified in Clause 18 of this Contract, the Buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery On condition that the Seller should agree to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment under negotiation.
Seller shall have the option of delivering 5% more or less on the Contract quantity. Such surplus or deficiency shall be settled at the market price on the day of the vessel’s arrival, the value shall be fixed by arbitration unless mutually agreed.
In case the Contract is concluded on CIF basis, the insurance shall be effected by the Seller for 110% of invoice value covering all risks, war risks, S.R.C.C risks (i.e. Strike, Riot, and Civil Commotions).