《一步之遥 》聘请亿维翻译进行影片宣传翻译
亿维翻译北京翻译公司近期应《一步之遥 》制片人的要求,为其提供了专业的影片宣传翻译服务。
《一步之遥 》影片宣传翻译如下:
“One step” by the Beijing awfully movie culture development limited in the 2014 movie, the film directed by Jiang Wen, Jiang Wen, Ge You, Zhou Yun, Hsu Chi as the leading actor, drama film adapted from the true history of the Republic of China “Sherlock Yan Ruisheng case”.
The film tells the story of the 1920 Shanghai general election, flowers country like a raging fire, ultimate ownership of whirling. The rigging of several overseas back Shanghai small want to take a big money, please move the protagonist Shanghai Bund attended the final election, the election is over, an accident, happened to turn the world upside down so that all the changes in the story.

《一步之遥 》
关于电影《一步之遥 》:
《一步之遥》(Gone With The Bullets)是由北京不亦乐乎电影文化发展有限公司于2014年出品的电影,该影片由姜文执导,姜文、葛优、周韵、舒淇等主演,影片剧情改编自历史上真实的民国奇案“阎瑞生案”。